Question Bank

Practice makes perfect. Our question bank is designed to help you integrate and apply the knowledge you’ve gained through your studies. You can find questions arranged by topic or a master Q-bank that contains all of the questions for a particular discipline. Questions that have been featured previously in topic of the week have also been archived.

In general, there are 3 levels of questions:

  1. Rote memory questions
  2. Memory questions that require more understanding of the material
  3. Questions that require both understanding and judgement.

The questions have been designed to ensure clarity, accuracy, and relevance.

Q-Bank topics

Musculoskeletal System MCQsRadiology
Cardiovascular System MCQsRadiology
Gastrointestinal Tract and Abdomen MCQsRadiology
Hepatobiliary System, Pancreas and Spleen MCQsRadiology
Urogenital System MCQsRadiology
Obstetrics and Gynaecology MCQsRadiology
Central Nervous System MCQsRadiology
Chest Radiograph MCQsRadiology
Imaging Techniques MCQsRadiology
Soft Tissues MCQsRadiology
Standard Monitoring MCQsAnaesthesia
Inhalational Anaesthetic Agents MCQsAnaesthesia
IV Fluids and Resuscitation MCQsAnaesthesia
Shock MCQsAnaesthesia
Transfusion Therapy MCQsAnaesthesia, Haematology
Intravenous Anaesthetic Agents MCQsAnaesthesia
Massive Transfusion and Transfusion Reactions MCQsAnaesthesia, Haematology
Local Anaesthetics MCQsAnaesthesia
Airway Evaluation MCQsAnaesthesia
Postoperative Management MCQsAnaesthesia
Approach to the Newborn MCQsPaediatrics
Cognitive Development MCQsPaediatrics
Motor Development MCQsPaediatrics
Social Development MCQsPaediatrics
Severe Acute Malnutrition MCQsPaediatrics
Failure to Thrive MCQsPaediatrics
Retinoblastoma MCQsOphthalmology
Retinitis MCQsOphthalmology
Retinal Detachment MCQsOphthalmology
Macula Degeneration MCQsOphthalmology
Hypertensive Retinopathy MCQsOphthalmology
Diabetic Retinopathy MCQsOphthalmology
Retinitis Pigmentosa MCQsOphthalmology
Dacryoadenitis MCQsOphthalmology
Dacryocystitis MCQsOphthalmology
Primary Corneal Disorders MCQsOphthalmology
Preseptal and Orbital Cellulitis MCQsOphthalmology
Glaucoma MCQsOphthalmology
Disorders of the Eyelid MCQsOphthalmology
Neuromuscular Blocking Agents MCQsAnaesthesia
Intra-op Hypotension and Hypertension MCQsAnaesthesia
Hypothermia and Shivering MCQsAnaesthesia
Postoperative Nausea and VomitingAnaesthesia
Uveitis MCQsOphthalmology