Wounds and Wound Healing

Knowing the physiology and pathology behind wounds is important in surgery since it is a specialty that primarily deals with wounds.


WoundA break in the integrity of skin or tissue, often associated with disruption of structure and function, and is commonly due to external force.
UlcerA type of wound whereby there is disruption or break in the continuity of any lining (skin, mucous membranes, etc.)

Phases of Wound Healing

Wound healing is defined as the normal body response to surgical or traumatic injury in order to restore normal structure and function. The normal process of wound healing should occur in 4-6 weeks.

There are three phases of wound healing:

PhaseProcesses involved
Hemostasis and inflammationHemostasis, chemotaxis, epithelial migration
ProliferationCollagen synthesis, matrix synthesis and deposition, angiogenesis
RemodellingContraction, scar formation, scar remodelling
RegenerationPerfect restoration of pre-existing tissue architecture without scar formation
RepairWound healing that occurs by proliferation of connective tissue leading to scar formation
Phases of wound healing
Phases of wound healing
Wound healing colour continuum
Wound healing colour continuum


Damage to tissue causes blood to fill the wound defect. When blood is exposed to collagen and Von Willebrand factor in the extracellular matrix platelets bind, aggregate and degranulate to release preformed granules that activate the coagulation cascade and mediate inflammation. Some of the mediators released by platelets during degranulation include Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), Transforming growth factor-B (TGF-B), Platelet-activating factor (PAF), Fibronectin, and Serotonin.


Various cytokines are released which stimulate the movement of cells to the site of inflammation/trauma.

Important Cytokines and Growth Factors

PDGFPlatelets, macrophages, monocytes, smooth muscle cells, endothelial cellsCollagen synthesis, angiogenesis, chemotaxis of fibroblasts, smooth muscle, monocytes, neutrophils
FGFFibroblasts, endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, chondrocytesAngiogenesis by chemotaxis of endothelial cells
Transforming Growth Factor-aKeratinocytes, platelets, macrophagesChemotaxis of endothelial cells
Transforming Growth Factor-BPlatelets, neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes, fibroblasts, keratinocytesWound matrix synthesis, Regulates inflammation, chemotaxis of neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)Macrophages, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, keratinocytesAngiogenesis by mitosis of endothelial cells, pro-inflammatory
IL-1Macrophages, neutrophils, keratinocytesPro-inflammatory, angiogenesis, epithelialization and tissue remodelling
IL-4NeutrophilsCollagen synthesis
IL-6Fibroblasts, endothelial cells, keratinocytesPro-inflammatory, angiogenesis, epithelialization and tissue remodelling

Cells involved in the inflammation stage

CellTimeframeRoleEssential for wound healing
NeutrophilFirst to enter the wound within 6 hours due to increased vascular permeability. Numbers peak 24-48 hours from injuryPhagocytosis of bacteria and tissue debris. Also releases cytokinesNo
MacrophageNumbers peak within 48-96 hours and remain until the wound is healedPhagocytosis and wound debridement. Regulates cell proliferation, matrix synthesis, and angiogenesis. Also activates other cells by releasing cytokines.Yes
LymphocyteAppears about 5 days post-injury and peaks about 7 daysNot clear. However, decreased number of lymphocytes results in decreased wound strength and collagen content.Yes


In proliferation, the continuity of the underlying tissue is re-established through collagen deposition and matrix synthesis, and angiogenesis occurs. This happens over 3 days to 2 weeks post-injury. Characterized by formation of granulation tissue.

Extracellular matrix content with time
Extracellular matrix content with time
Granulation tissueA loose extracellular matrix embedded with fibroblasts, inflammatory cells, and new capillaries.
Granulation tissue
Granulation tissue

Cells involved in the proliferation stage

FibroblastRecruited and activated primarily by PDGF, and other cytokinesMatrix synthesis (collagen and glycosaminoglycans)
Endothelial cellsRecruited and activated primarily by VEGF, and other cytokinesMigrates from venules near the wound to form new blood vessels (angiogenesis)

Substances involved in matrix synthesis

Type I collagenDeposition increases throughout the healing process. Responsible for the tensile strength of a scar (strength against tension)
Type III CollagenDeposited early in the healing process and is gradually replaced by type I
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)Examples include fibronectin, hyaluronic acid, dermatan, and chondroitin sulfate. They pair with proteins to form proteoglycans. Proteoglycans influence the arrangement and orientation of collagen.

Remodeling and Scar Formation

Remodelling overlaps with proliferation since collagen reorganization occurs as soon as it is synthesized and deposited.

TermDescriptionNota bene
Wound strengthThe final tensile strength of the wound is determined by the quantity and quality of collagen deposited and maintained by an appropriate balance of collagen deposition and degradation.The final strength of injured skin/scar always remains less than that of uninjured skin (on average about 70-80% of uninjured skin)
Wound contractionThe inward movement of the wound edge, resulting in reduced granulation tissue required to fill the wound, reduced area requiring re-epithelialization, and reduced scar volume. Primarily mediated by myofibroblasts and is promoted by TGF-B and PDGF.Occurs to some degree in all wounds about day 5-15 post-injury. It is vital in wounds that heal by secondary intention. Becomes problematic when it impairs cosmesis and function.


This is a distinct phase of wound healing whereby the epithelial layer of the skin is restored. It begins within one day of injury and is complete within 48 hours in surgically approximated wounds (but takes longer in wounds left to heal by secondary intention). Basal cells detach from the dermis, enlarge, and migrate across the underlying matrix to cover the defect. Once they defect is bridged the cells rapidly divide and the surface layer is keratinized.

Healing in specific tissue

Healing of Bones

Healing of bones resembles dermal healing with some notable differences and specific terms.

PhaseProcessNota bene
Hematoma and InflammationAccumulation of blood, devitalized soft tissue, dead bone and necrotic marrow at the fracture site → Breakdown and liquefaction of non-viable elements at the fracture site → new blood vessels from the adjacent bone grow into the fracture site (analogous to granulation tissue)Characterized by pain, swelling, and erythema
Formation of soft callus (proliferation)A soft tissue scaffolding forms uniting the fragments and preventing damage to blood vesselsMarked by the end of pain and inflammation
Formation of hard callus (maturation)The soft callus undergoes mineralization and converts to boneComplete bony union occurs in 2-3 months. The bone is strong enough to bear weight and appears healed on radiograph
Remodelling of boneResorption of excessive callus and recanalization of the marrow cavityRemodelling allows physical forces to be correctly transmitted and restores the conture of bone

Healing of Cartilage

Cartilage has the same phases of wound healing as the dermis. However, it is prone to poor healing since it is relatively avascular. Healing requires the presence of a hypervascular perichondrium and injuries to this may result in permanent defects.

Depth of injuryHealingNota bene
Superficial cartilagenous injuryLess blood supply to cartilage → less inflammation → slow synthesis of collagen and proteoglycans → slow healing and persistent structural defectsThe cauliflower ear is an acquired deformity due to trauma to the ear following boxing, rugby, etc. Trauma shears tissue causing a hematoma to form which disrupts the blood supply to the perichondrium and cartilage of the ear. Cartilage dies and is replaced with fibrosis causing the ear to take on the characteristic appearance. Treatment involved draining the hematoma so that the blood vessels can heal and supply the perichondrium and cartilage.
Deep cartilagenous injuryDamage to soft tissue and bone in addition to cartilage exposed blood vessels → follows the typical phases of healing → restoration of structure and function of cartilage

Healing of tendons and ligaments

Tendon and ligament also have the same phases of healing as the dermis. However, regeneration is slow and results in a fibrous scar at the point of union. Furthermore, collagen fibres orient along the lines of stress. The degree of vascularization is essential in determining healing. Hypovascular tendon and ligaments heal with less motion and more scar than those with better blood supply.

Healing of Nerves

In the CNS, neurons cannot be regenerated. Healing is by proliferation of glial cells which form a glial scar.

Peripheral nerves contain axons, schwann cells and other non-neuronal cells, and extracellular matrix. Injury to nerves occur in 3 degrees (Seddon’s classification of nerve injury), listed below from mild to severe:

Type of injuryDescriptionFunction lossFull recovery
NeuropraxiaFocal demyelination with no loss of nerve continuityMotor disruption. Minimal sensory or autonomic disruption.Results from transient pressure, and once this pressure is resolved the injury resolves
AxonotmesisInterruption of axon with preserved perineurium and epineurium.Motor, sensory, and autonomic disruptionDepends on the length of involved segment and how quickly compression is relieved
NeurotmesisComplete transection of the nerveMotor, sensory, and autonomic disruptionRare

For peripheral nerves to recover function:

  1. Cell bodies of the neuron must survive
  2. The axon has to regenerate, grow across the transected nerve and reach the distal stump. Phagocytes remove degenerating axons and myelin from the distal stump (Wallerian degeneration). Axons sprout from the proximal stump and probe distal stump and surrounding tissue. Schwann cells ensheath and help remyelinate regenerating axons.
  3. Regenerating nerve ends have to connect to the appropriate nerve ends or organ targets to create a functional unit

Recovery from surgical re-approximation of divided nerves is better in younger patients, in pure motor/sensory nerves, and in injury where the site is closer to the target organ. The rate of regeneration is 1mm per day so that the more proximal the damage, the more time must elapse before the functional result can be assessed.

Healing of muscle

MuscleHealing properties
Skeletal muscleHas some regenerative ability if the cell membrane (sarcolemma) is intact. Severe injury heals by fibrosis.
Smooth muscleLimited regenerative ability. Heals by fibrosis.
Cardiac muscleNo regenerative ability. Heals by fibrosis (permanent scar)

Healing of the gastrointestinal tract

The GIT undergoes the same phases as dermal healing. The serosa and mucosa heal without scar formation. However, during the first week, there is decreased anastomotic strength due to collagenase activity. Collagenolysis precedes collagen syntheis. It begins day 3-5 while collagen synthesis takes several days to begin.

Layer of the GITRole
SubmucosaHas the greatest tensile strength and suture-holding ability
SerosaHealing forms a watertight seal. Highlighted by higher leak rates seen in extraperitoneal tissue (esophagus and rectum)

Full thickness injury of bowel is common in surgery. Repair begins with surgical reapproximation. To maximize healing, anastomosis should:

  1. Be tension free
  2. Have adequate blood supply
  3. Receive good nutrition
  4. Be free of sepsis

Post-op over-administration of fluid can affect anastomosis by causing third-spacing (edema of the bowel wall) and increasing intra-abdominal pressure which compromises blood flow to the anastomosis.

Abnormal wound healing

There are 2 major types of abnormal wound healing: impaired wound healing and delayed wound healing

Impaired vs Delayed wound healing

Abnormal healingDescriptionCause
Delayed healingThough at a slower rate of healing, the wound ultimately achieves mechanical strength as a wound that heals at a normal rateReversible underlying pathology, which when corrected allows the wound to heal
Impaired healingThe wound never reaches the strength of a wound that has healed normallyRelated to immune compromised
Relative difference in normal, delayed, and impaired wound healing
Relative difference in normal, delayed, and impaired wound healing

Acute vs Chronic Wound

Type of woundDescriptionDurationExample
Acute woundA wound that follows the orderly (continuum) steps of repair to achieve structure and functionHeals within 4-6 weeksSurgical incision, Laceration e.t.c.
Chronic woundA wound whereby the process of repair has been arrested (at the inflammatory phase) due to multiple reasons, thus failing to achieve the expected structure and functionTakes more than 4-6 weeks to healDiabetic ulcer, Decubitus ulcer

Factors affecting wound healing

Local factors affect wound healing at the level of the wound. Systemic factors are conditions that involve the entire body that affect the ability of the wound to heal.

  • Local factors affecting wound healing
    • Infection
    • Foreign material
    • Necrotic or Devitalized tissue
    • Hypoxia
    • Ischamia
    • Ionizing radiation
    • Previous trauma
    • Repeated trauma
    • Venous insufficincy/edema
    • Pressure
    • Dessication
    • Maceration
    • Tension on wound edges
    • Degree of approximation of wound edges
  • Systemic factors affecting wound healing
    • Advanced age
    • Protein and Energy Malnutrition
    • Vitamins and Mineral deficiency
    • Metabolic disease e.g. Diabetes, Uremia, Cancer, Obesity
    • Immunosuppression e.g. AIDS
    • Immunosuppressive medications e.g. Steroids, chemotherapy
    • Smoking
    • Alcohol
    • Cold temperature
    • Connective tissue disorders e.g. Ehlers-Danlos, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Acrodermatitis enteropathica


Bacteria interfere with wound healing by forming biofilm, producing endotoxin, releasing free radicals and consuming local oxygen. Clincally, an infected wound can be defined as a wound that is draining pus independent of culture results. A more narrow definition is a wound with a bacterial count of 10^5 microorganisms per gram of tissue. The best definition of wound infection, however, is a wound with multiplication of bacteria that overwhelms host defenses and results in wound damage and disruption of the healing process.

To identify wound infection, ask:

  1. Is the organism cultured normal flora?
  2. Does the organism typically cause infection of a wound
  3. Is there inflammation, tissue damage, or signs and symptoms?
    1. Erythema, pain, swelling, heat fever, and leukocytosis (any make infection more likely)
    2. Abscess, purulent or abnormal discharge, tissue discoloration or friabiliry, abnormal smell, unexpected wound breakdwon, rolled wound edges, or undermining (3+ make infection likely)

Colonization vs Contamination Vs Infection

InfectionBacterial multiplication in a wound with an associated host reaction
ColonizationBacterial multiplication without clinical evidence of infection or impaired healing. May progress to infection.
ContaminationBacteria are present in a wound but are not multiplying and there is no host reaction. They have been introduced from an external source (direct contact, airborne or self-contamination from skin or GI tract)

Examples of colonization

Site or prosthesisOrganisms
Pressure ulcerSkin flora (Staphylococcus spp.), Enteric flora (E. coli, Pseudomonas)
Skin wound or breakSkin flora (Staphylococcus spp.), Enteric flora (E. coli, Pseudomonas)
Upper Respiratory TractMixed enteric flora in patients on antibiotics or those in a healthcare setting for more than 4 days, E. coli, Pseudomonas
Endotracheal or Tracheostomy tubeMixed enteric flora in patients on antibiotics or those in a healthcare setting for more than 4 days, E. coli, Pseudomonas
Urinary catheterEnteric flora (E. coli, Pseudomonas)

Mechanical barriers, foreign material, and devitalized tissue

Foreign material prolong the inflammatory stage and prevent progression to the proliferative stage of wound healing. These material include necrotic debris (eschar or slough), suture material, retained dressing fibre, prosthesis, dirt, debris, and hematomas. They have to removed for wounds to heal.


Oxygen is required in the hydroxylation of proline and lysine during collagen synthesis, and cellular respirationwhich are essential to wound healing. Hypoxia occurs in severe blood loss, hypotension, shock, ischemia, and increased tension on the wound.

Local oxygen can be improved by increasing FiO2 during and after elective surgery and by hyperbaric oxygen therapy, especially for patients with diabetes and radiation injury.

Ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation causes atrophy, fibrosis, and impaired wound healing by causing DNA damage. DNA damage results in cell death and inhibition of mitosis.

Previous trauma

In previous trauma, there is scarring and fibrosis with reduced vascularization of the wound bed. This leads to decreased inflammation and impaired wound healing.

Venous insufficiency

Edema from hydrostatic pressure causes fibrinogen to leak and hemoglobin to extravasate. This causes skin damage and pruritus. Furthermore, fibrinogen polymerizes causing perivascular cuffing and impedes oxygen exchange. Edema alo dilutes bactericidal fatty acids making infection more likely

Advanced age

Older patients are more susceptible to wound dehiscence with less force than young patients. There is delayed epithelialization, slower wound contraction and higher rate of surgical site infections. Older patients also have a higher rate of comorbidities that independently impair wound healing.

Physiological changes associated with aging that inhibit normal wound healing include:

  • Increased rate of collagen degradation due to increasd matrix metalloproteinase
  • Increase in non-collagen proteins
  • Delayed macrophage infiltration and impaired phagocytosis

Nutritional deficiency

ProteinsHypoproteinemia causes a lack of critical amino acids required for collagen synthesis
Vitamin CRequired for hydroxylation of lysine and proline, and collagen cross-linking. Deficiency leads to decreased collagen synthesis and increased collagenolysis
Vitamin AVitamin A increased collagen production and epidermal growth factor receptors. Supplementation benefits wound healing in non-deficiency individuals, reverses the inhibitory effects of corticosteroids and promotes wound healing in patients with diabetes, chemotherapy, and radiation exposure.
Vitamin DEssential for bone healing
ZincMultiple enzymes including DNA and RNA polymerase require zinc. Deficiency inhibits cell proliferation and granulation tissue thus impairing early wound healing. Supplementation is only helpful in deficiency individuals.


Uncontrolled diabetes impairs wound healing by:

  • Reducing host immune response and are 5 times more prone to infection
  • Impairing angiogenesis
  • Decrease collagen synthesis and increased collagen degradation (brittle collagen due to glycosylation)
  • Ischemia due to large and small vessel vascular disease
  • Renal failure resulting in ischemia
  • Repetitive trauma and pressure ulceration due to peripheral neuropathy


Uremia decreases collagen deposition and reduces the strength of collagen


Obese patients have a higher risk of wound dehiscence, surgical site infection, incisional hernia, seroma, hematoma, fat necrosis and anastomotic leak. Adipose tissue produces adipokines and cytokines which impair cells necessary for wound healing.


Impaired wound healing in cancer is often related to malnutrition which can occur due to:

  • Cachexia
  • Decreased nutrient absorption
  • Decreased oral intake

There is also altered metabolism of nutrients:

  • Increased glucose utilization
  • Increased protein catabolism
  • Inability to utilize fat over other sources for energy


Steroids impair wound healing by:

  • Impairing the inflammatory phase
  • Impairing fibroblast proliferation and collagen syntehsis
  • Reducing the amount of granulation tissue formed

Prescribing steroids can be delayed until 3-4 days post-operatively to minimize the impact on wound healing.


AntimetabolitesInhibit DNA and protein synthesis
DoxorubicinReduces platelets, inflammatory cells, and growth factors
TamoxifenDecreases cell proliferation. Increasing the dose decreases wound tensile strength
BevacizumabImpairs angiogenesis


Smoking impairs wound healing by:

  • Impairing chemotaxis and cell migration
  • Impairing phagocytosis
  • Reducing fibroblast migration and proliferation
  • Causing hypoxia

Connective tissue disorders

Ehlers-Danlos syndromeTissue friability makes suturing difficult
Osteogenesis imperfectaResults in dermal thinning, increased bruising, brittle bones, and ligament and joint laxity
Acrodermatitis enteropathicaInability to absorb zinc reduces cell proliferation and granulation tissue formation

Excess wound healing

  • Pathophysiology of excess scar production during wound healing
    • Excessive scarring results from an overabundance of collagen production by fibroblasts in the wound
    • There is increased production of:
      • Certain isoforms of TGF-B (Primary mediator) – TGFB1 and B2 increase angiogenesis (proliferation) and collagen deposition (maturation); also prevents collagen breakdown by inhibiting metalloproteinases (collagenase) and upregulating tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase
      • Connective tissue growth factor (downstream signaling factor of TGF-B)
      • PDGF
      • Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases
    • Decreased production of
      • Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
      • Metalloproteinases (collagenases)
      • IL-10
  • Treatment options for keloids and hypertrophic scars
    • First line: Silicon gel
      • +/- pressure garment
      • +/- steroids
    • Second line: Steroids
      • +/- silicon
      • +/- cryotherapy
      • +/- 5-FU
    • Third line: Surgery
      • +/- steroids
      • +/- radiation therapy
      • +/- 5-FU
Excess healingDescription
Excessive scarringExcess proliferation of fibroblasts and collagen due to dysregulation of the proliferative and maturation stage
Hypertrophic scarExcess proliferation of fibroblasts and collagen leading to a raised scar that does not grow beyond the boundaries of the original lesion
KeloidExcess proliferation of fibroblasts and collagen in typically small skin injuries leading to a raised scar that grows beyond the wound margins in a “claw-like” appearance
Exuberant granulation tissueFormation of excessive amounts of granulation tissue (”proud flesh”)
Desmoid tumorFibrous tumors that occur during healing due to abnormal fibroblast proliferation in response to growth factors
ContractureContraction of wound edges caused by myofibroblasts. Occurs to a greater extent in healing by secondary-intention than primary intention

Excessive healing in different tissue

SiteExcess healing
SkinExcessive scarring, keloids, contracture
TendonFrozen repairs
GIT or Urinary TractStrictures or stenosis
Solid organsCirrhosis, pulmonary fibrosis
PeritoneumAdhesive disease

Keloid vs Hypertrophic scar

Hypertrophic scarKeloid
GeneticsNot familialMay be familial
RaceNot related to raceBlack > white
SexF = MF > M
CauseOccur across areas of tension and flexor surfaces.Abnormal fibroblasts within the wound as compared to normal dermis
Common siteFlexor surface, but can appear anywhereNeck, chest, upper back, shoulders and ear lobes
Wound marginsMaintained, but rises above the skin levelOutgrows the wound margin
HistologyIncreased type III collagen with parallel orientation of collagen fibresIncreased type I collagen with randomly oriented fibres
SymptomsMild pruritus, but relatively asymptomaticPain, pruritus, hyperesthesia
Response to treatmentBetterLess
Spontaneous regressionOftenRare
PreventionPreventable with appropriate surgical incision and wound care (for trauma and burns)No preventable

Classification of Wounds

Tidy vs Untidy wound

Type of woundCharacteristicExamplesHealing
Tidy woundIncised, Clean, no tissue lossSurgical incision, Stab, CutsPrimary intention
Untidy woundsIrregular, tissue loss, devitalized tissue, contaminatedCrush, Avulsion/Degloving, BurnSecondary intention

Open wounds

The skin has been breached and underlying tissue is exposed

Clean incisionTidy, simple, clean cut wound with linear edges
CutWound with uneven edges due to a combination of sharp and blunt forces
AbrasionShallow, irregular wound involving superficial skin layers that results from skin contact with a rough surface or any surface at high speed
LacerationDeeper, tear-like wound, often with irregular edges, typically caused by sharp trauma or focused blunt trauma
AvulsionTissue is forcibly detached from its normal attachment or insertion
PunctureSmall rounded wound that results from thin, pointed objects
Penetrating woundWound caused by any object that breaks through the skin to underlying tissue or organs

Closed wounds

The skin is intact, but the underlying tissue has been damaged

ContusionWound caused by direct blunt trauma that causes damage to small vessels and capillaries producing bruising (skin discolouration) in subcutaneous tissue
HematomaWound caused by trauma that damages small vessels and capillaries allowing blood to collect in a potential space

Mechanism of injury

Mechanical woundAbrasion, puncture, incision, cut, crush, tear, bite wound, gunshot wound
Chemical woundDue to acids and alkali
Radiation woundDue to radiation exposure
Thermal destructionBurn or frostbite

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary intention

Types of wound healing

Type of healingDescriptionExample of wound
First intentionWound edges are approximated by suturing, staples, or adhesiveSurgical wound, clean incision
Secondary intentionThe wound heals slowly by granulation tissue and scar formation and closes by re-epithelializationTraumatic wound, highly contaminated wound, extensive soft tissue loss
Tertiary intention (Delayed primary closure)The wound is treated by repeated debridement and finally approximatedTraumatic wound with high infection risk

Healing by primary vs secondary intention

Primary intentionSecondary intention
Tissue deficitSmallerLarger
Mechanism of healingEpithelial regenerationGranulation tissue. Pale, avascular scar formation
Myofibroblast contractionMinimalMarked
Fibrin clotSmallerLarger
InflammationLess intenseMore intense
Secondary inflammation mediated damageLess potentialMore potential
Granulation tissueSmall amountsLarger amounts
Scar tissueSmaller massGreater mass
ExudateLess exudateMore exudate
Necrotic debrisLessMore


An ulcer is a chronic wound that is defined as a break in the continuity of the covering epithelium in either skin or mucous membranes due to molecular death. The most common ulcers are venous, arterial, or mixed ulcers. These three account for 70% of all ulcers while 50% are caused by venous stasis alone.

Location of ulcers based on etiology

UlcerDescriptionCommon Location
Neuropathic and Traumatic ulcersDue to loss of sensation → inability to withdraw from painful stimulus or trauma → repeated trauma → ulcerationPressure bearing regions
Venous (Varicose) ulcersDue to hypoxia. Painful, easily recur and persist for many years.Medial and lateral malleoli
Arterial ulcerDue to ischemia caused by atherosclerosis or peripheral arteries. Appear punched out and well demarcated with round shape and pale, non-granulating, often necrotic baseDorsum of the toes, dorsum of the foot, and in-between toes
Diabetic ulcerA mixed ulcer due to ischemia + neuropathic changes + systemic metabolic dysfunction + immune dysfunction causing ulceration and impaired healingNo particular site since any ulcer with imaired healing (neuropathic/arterial/traumatic/varicose) due to diabetes is termed a diabetic ulcer. However bullae tend to appear in the nape and back.
Decubitus (Pressure) ulcersMechanical pressure compresses arterioles and venules causing ischemia and hypoxiaBack of head, shoulder, elbow, hip, sacrum, ischial tuberosity, greater trochanter, medial and lateral condyles, malleoli, and heels
  • Features suggestive of malignancy in ulcers
    • Margins: Irregular with nodules
    • Egde: Everted edges
    • Floor: red and bleeds easily on palpation
    • Surrounding skin: inflammed and indurated (hard)
  • Investigations for patients with chronic ulcers
    • CBC: look for anemia
    • ESR: monitor for infection
    • RBS and HbA1C: for glycemic control
    • U/E/Cs: for uremia
    • VDRL: for syphillis
    • HIV: for HIV
    • Chest X-ray: for TB
    • EKG: to rule out IHD if atherosclerosis is suspected
    • Local smear for culture
    • X-ray of the affected part
    • 4 quadrant edge biopsy
  • Stigmata of Tuberculosis to look out for in a patient with an ulcer
    • Phlyctenular conjunctivitis
    • Matted Lymphadenopathy
    • Scars and Sinuses in the neck
  • Stigmata of Leprosy to look out for in a patient with an ulcer
    • Hypopigmented, anesthetic patches
    • Thickened ulnar posterio tibial, and great auricular nerves
    • Trophic ulcers (pressure ulcer)
    • Deformed phalanges
    • Leonine facies (due to collapse of the nasal bridge and lateral 1/3 of eyebrows)

Diabetic ulcer

  • 4 ways in which diabetes impairs healing of ulcers
    1. Hyperglycemia promotes the proliferation of bacteria and glycosylates collagen making it brittle
    2. Decreases blood supply to the ulcer due to small and large vessel disease
    3. Ulcer is prone to repeated, unnoticed trauma as a result of neuropathy
    4. Deficient fibroblast reaction

Wagner Grading of diabetic foot ulcers

Grade 0Intact skin
Grade ISuperficial ulcer
Grade IIDeep ulcer
Grade IIIUlcer with abscess or bone involvement or osteomyelitis
Grade IVForefoot gangrene (localized)
Grade VFull foot gangrene (extensive)
Depth-ischemia classification of diabetic foot ulcer
Depth-ischemia classification of diabetic foot ulcer

Decubitus (Pressure) ulcers

Areas at risk of pressure sores
Areas at risk of pressure sores

Staging of decubitus ulcers

Stage IIntact skin. Change in color, consistency, or temperature
Stage IIPartial-thickness loss of skin involving the epidermis and dermis
Stage IIIFull-thickness skin loss including subcutaneous tissue but not fascia
Stage IVDamage to muscle, bone, and other supporting tissue, may have undermining of tissue
  • Risk factors for development of pressure ulcers
    • Sensory deficits
    • Moisture
    • Immobility
    • Inactivity
    • Malnutrition
    • Friction and shear
  • Prevention of pressure ulcers
    • Reduce external pressure
      • Reposition every 2 hours
      • Pillows or thick padding areas at risk
    • Keep the skin clean and dry
    • Adequate pain relief to allow for activity and mobility
    • Manage systemic conditions that place the patient at risk of developing pressure ulcers

Gunshot Wound (GSW)

The higher the projectile velocity of a missile, the greater the damage. Low velocity missiles from pistols drill only narrow tracks with little damage around them. in addition to causing extensive cavitation, high velocity missiles form a partial vacuum in their path that sucks in debris. Missile wounds may take curious paths. They may be deflected by bone, or be influenced by the position of the patient at the time of injury. A multi-disciplinary care team is required for GSW. GSW should not be closed primarily. Delayed primary closure after initial debridement, or healing by secondary intention is preferred. Bullets and fragments are removed only where indicated.

Types of injury

Type of injuryWeaponProjectile velocity
Low velocityHandgun, some rifles< 350 m/s (1200 fps)
Medium velocityShotgun: potential for massive soft tissue destruction. The wad may stay in the wound and form a nidus of infection350 – 650 m/s (1200 – 2100 fps)
High velocityMilitary or Hunting rifles> 600 m/s (>2000 fps)
  • Complications of GSW
    • Compartment syndrome: common after high velocity wounds. More common with proximal fractures of the forearm
    • Vascular injury: findings include pulsatile bleeding, absent pulse, bruit, thrill. ABI and angiography can be performed if there is concern.
    • Spinal injury: GSW is the 3rd most common cause of spinal injury. Cervical spine GSW can be associated with airway compromise (84%)
    • Infection: GSW tracts are non-sterile. 24 hours IV antibiotics (1st gen cephalosporins) for low-velocity injuries (Gustillo I/II) and 72 hours IV antibiotics (1st gen cephalosporin + gentamicin) for high-velocity injuries (Gustillo III)
    • Fractures: Low velocity injuries can be treated as Gustilo I/II while high velocity injuries can be treated as Gustilo III. GSW has increased comminution and greater soft-tissue stripping and bone loss.
    • Retained projectiles and fragments: retained fragments can be left in situ. Indications for removal include: intra-articular, intra-vascular, subcutaneous, lead toxicity, peri-spinal and peri-neural
  • Compartment syndrome
    • Common after high velocity wounds due to soft-tissue trauma/bleeding/oedema
    • More common with proximal fractures of the forearm
  • Vascular injury and hemorrhage
    • Findings include pulsatile bleeding, absent pulse, bruit, thrill
    • Damage control surgery e.g. shunting can be performed
    • ABI and Angiography can be performed if there is concern
  • Peripheral nerve injury
    • Majority of nerve dysfunction is neuropraxia, particularly in low velocity wounds
  • Life-saving interventions in GSW
    • Hemorrhage control and resuscitation
    • Chest tubes (even bilateral chest tubes)
    • Laparotomy

Classification Surgical Wounds

Colonized body cavities = respiratory, alimentary,, genital, or urinary tracts

WoundDescriptionExampleInfective rateNeed for prophylaxis
Clean woundElective wound. Primarily closed withour drain. No opening of colonized body cavities. No break in sterile technique.Hernioplasty, Excisions, Thyroidectomy, Brain surgery, Joint surgery, arterial and venous surgery, heart surgery1-5%No
Clean contaminated woundElective wound. Controlled opening of normally colonized body cavities. Minimal spillage. No break in the sterile technique.Appendicectomy, Gastrojejunostomy, Pancreaticobiliary surgeries, Lung resection, Cholecystectomy, Gastrectomy, Prostatectomy3-11%Prophylaxis may be required
Contaminated woundAcute, non-purulent inflammation. Break in sterile technique or spillage from hollow organs. Open, fresh accidental wound.Penetrating trauma < 4h from injury, Chronic open wound, acute abdomen, removal of acute appendicitis, open cardiac massage during a case10-17%Prophylactic antibiotics required – 1 hour prior to incision, 2nd and 3rd dose q8h
Dirty woundPurulent abscess. Traumatic wound from a dirty source with retained, devitalized tissue. Surgical wound involving existing infection or free perforation.Penetrating trauma > 4 hours from injury, abscess, perforated viscus with peritonitis, fecal peritonitis27-40%Treatment required instead of prophylaxis

Assessment of a wound

TIME mneomnic for assessment of wounds

Tissue: presence of granulation or hypergranulation tissue, devitalized or necrotic tissue, and surrounding tissue

Inflammation or infection: areas within or surrounding the wound site that may indicate the presence of infection or inflammation

Moisture: moisture balance and whether the wound is dry or macerated

Edge of the wound: assess for re-epithelialization vs non-advancing ages vs epibole. Also assess blood supply to the edges of the wound.

Parts of a wound

MargingA line that represents the junction between instact skin and the ulcerRounded or oval. Regular or Irregular. Well-defined or ill-defined.
EdgeThe block of tissue that connects the margin and the floor of the ulcerSloping, undermined, punched out, raised and beaded, or everted
FloorVisible part overlying the baseContanins discharge, granulation tissue (red/pink) or slough (yellow)
BaseTissue on which the ulcer rests onBone, tendons, or muscle
Crosss section of a wound
Crosss section of a wound


Wound size should be measured and documented on first presentation and regularly after that. Dimensions include length, width and depth of tissue planes. Wounds can be measured using a tape, ruler, scalpel handle or gloved finger.


Ill-defined irregular marginsGrowing or spreading ulcer
Well-defined regular white marginNon-healing ulcer
Well-defined regular margin with white, blue, and red zonesHealing ulcer
Nodules on marginRodent ulcer (BCC)


Sloping edgeHealing ulcer, venous ulcer
Punched out edgesAretrial and Gummatus ulcer
Raised and everted edgesMalignancy
Undermined edgesTuberculous ulcer, Amoebic ulcer in the intestines
Raised non-everted edgesBasal cell carcinoma

Epibole: a rolled or curled-under wound edge where the epithelial layer fails to advance. The upper epidermal edge moves over the lower edge causing epithelialization down the wound edge rather than across the base. They must be resected or debrided in order for epithelialization to continue.


Floor contentInference
Pink with tiny red granules or nodules (capillary “buds”)Healthy granulation
Pale flat granulation, “heaped up” appearanceUnhealthy granulation, exuberant granulation
Scanty serous dischargeCan be seen in healthy granulation
Yellow, white, or grey sloughInfection has not been controlled and granulation is yet to begin
Serosanguinous purulent dischargeInfected ulcer
Dry, hard, or leathery, and blackEschar

Surrounding skin

Inspect the surrounding skin for cellulitis, maceration, and other peri-wound skin abnormalities e.g. scars, deformities, rashes, and varicosities.

Management of wounds

The goals of wound care include:

  1. Closure of the wound
  2. Prevention of infection
  3. Provision of stable and adequate coverage
  4. Minimization of the defect
  5. Maximization of function

The steps in management of wound usually involve assessment → preparation → repair → follow-up

  • Wound assessment
    • Life-threatening and limb-threatening injuries
    • Location, age, depth, width, length of wound, and extent of devitalized tissue
    • Degree of contamination (clean or dirty wound) and Sx of infection
    • Neurovascular and musculoskeletal injuries
      • Radiographs for fractures
      • Pulsatile bleeding (arterial) or dark oozing (venous). Assess circulation distal to wound
      • Nerve integrity and function
  • Preparation
    • Tetanus prophylaxis
    • Antibiotics as indicated
      • Open fractures
      • Situations of infection
    • Local anaesthetic (Lidocaine or Bupivacaine with or without epinephrine)
    • Exploration to examine underlying structures
    • Irrigation of wound
      • Normal saline (50-100mL per centimeter of wound length)
      • High pressure or pulsatile irrigation is effective in remove foreign bodies and reduces the need for debridement
      • Cleaning with soap and water
      • Povidone-iodine or Chlorhexidine for wounds with risk of viral transmission. May impair wound healing by damaging neutrophils and macrophages
    • Hemostasis
      • Evacuate hematoma
      • Control bleeding with ligature or cautery
      • Mechanical hemostasis with local pressure, packing, or torniquet
      • Pharmacological hemostasis with Tranexamic acid (systemic) or Epinephrine (local)
      • Fluids and Blood products for resuscitation if shock
    • Debridement of non-viable tissue
      • Mechanical debridement, surgical debridement, biologic debridement, enzymatic debridement, autolytic
  • Repair
    • Deep fascial layer with absorbable suture
    • Superficial layer properlly aligned and non-absorbable suture (monofilament)/staples/dermal glue
    • Primary wound closure: close within 6-8 hours of extremity injury and 10—12 hours for injury of the scalp and face (bacteria require 6-8 hours to reach 10^5/gram of tissue, the level necessary for infection)
      • Clean wound with low infection risk whose edges can be approximated without tension
    • Secondary wound closure: leave the wound to heal by secondary intention via granulation tissue (w/o approximating wound edges)
      • Infected wounds (SSI)
      • Wound at high risk of infection (with foreign body implanted)
      • Bite wounds
      • Wounds older than the time frame within which primarily closure can be safely performed
      • Large wounds that cannot be approximated without tension
    • Delayed primary closure: close wound after secondary intention has began
      • Contaminated wounds left to heal by secondary intention with no signs of infection after 3-5 days
      • Clean wounds with healthy edges present after the time frame within which primary closure can be safely performed
    • Non-primary wound closure
      • Skin grafts
      • Skin flaps
  • Follow-up
    • Monitor for signs of infeciton
    • Remove suture early (4-5 days for face) or 7-10 days for other parts of skin

Wound preparation

Types of injuries and considerations

Type of injuryNota bene
Animal biteCat bites are deep and are more likely to enter joint spaces and result in infection. Aggressively clean and treat with antibiotics.
Human biteHigh risk of infection, especially those involving the hands. Aggressively clean, treat with antibiotics, and do not close primarily
Crush injury e.g. hippo bite, car tyreResults in deep tissue injury with skin relatively intact. Rule out deeper injury
Dirty wound e.g. firm injuryAggressive debridement and washout with removal of foreign material

Tetanus prone wounds

Wound characteristicTetanus prone
Time since injury < 6 hoursNo
Time since injury > 6 hoursYes
Depth < 1cmNo
Depth > 1cmYes
Crush, burn, gunshot, frostbite, penetrating injury through clothingYes
Presence of necrotic or devitalized tissueYes
Foreign material (dirt or grass) presentYes

Determining appropriate tetanus treatment

Year since immunizationWound characteristicTetanus treatment
< 5 yearsClean or tetanus proneNone
5-10 yearsCleanNone
Tetanus proneTetanus toxoid 0.5 mL IM (booster)
> 10 yearsClean or tetanus proneTetanus toxoid 0.5 mL IM (booster
Never immunizedCleanFull tetanus immunization regimen: Tetanus toxoid 0.5 mL IM 0 day, 4 weeks, and 6-12 months
Tetanus proneFull tetanus immunization regimen: Tetanus toxoid 0.5 mL IM 0 day, 4 weeks, and 6-12 months. Also give human tetanus immunoglobulin 250 IU, deep iM but not in the same area as the toxoid injection


  • When closing deep tissue layers:
    • Deep fascial layers or deep dermal layers should be closed since they contribute to the structural integrity of the wound
    • Closed suction drains can be used to decrease dead space
    • Suturing fat adds no benefit to wound strength or structure, so fat should not be closed

Absorbable vs non-absorbable suture

Broken down by the bodyYesNo
Tissue reactivityMoreLess with timely removal
ScarringIncreased riskLess risk
SelectionUnder the skin, within the oral mucosa, in children, in patients unlikely to return for suture removalSkin closure, vascular repair, when permanent reinforcement is needed, history of keloid formation

Monofilament vs braided suture

StrandsSingle strandMultiple strands twisted together
Friction and trauma to tissueLessMore
Risk of infectionReducedIncreased
Handling and secure knot tyingDifficult since it has ‘memory’Easier

Suture examples and characteristics

SutureCharacteristicComplete absorption
Chromic gutBraided, absorbable10-14 days
Polyglactin 910 (Vicryl)Braided, absorbable2 months
DexonBraided, absorbable2 months
PolysorbBraided, absorbable2 months
Poliglecaprone 25 (Monocryl)Monofilament, absorbable3 months
Polydioxanone (PDS)Monofilament, absorbable6 months
BiosynMonofilament, absorbable6 months
MaxonMonofilament, absorbable6 months
SilkBraided, non-absorbablePermanent
ProleneMonofilament, non-absorbablePermanent
NylonMonofilament, non-absorbablePermanent

Suture size

7-0 and smallerOphthalmology, microsurgery
6-0Face, blood vessels, ducts
5-0Face, neck, blood vessels, ducts
4-0Mucosa, neck, hands, limbs, tendon, blood vessels
3-0Limbs, trunk, gut, blood vessels
2-0Trunk, fascia, viscera, blood vessels
0 and largerAbdominal wall closure, fascia, drain sites, orthopedic surgery

Continuos (”running”) stitch: a series of stitches connected in line and only a single suture is use. Variations include simple continuous and locking continuous stitches

  • Advantages of continuous stitch
    • Quick
    • Less suture material used
    • Less foreign body in the wound
    • Evenly distributed tension
  • Disadvantages of continuous stitch
    • Too much tension leading to wound ischemia
    • Fluid and bacteria can travel along the suture and spread infection
    • Entire suture must be removed in case of wound infection

Interrupted stitch: each individual suture is placed, tied, and cut separately from any others. Variations include simple, vertical mattress, horizontal mattress, and many others

  • Advantages of interrupted stitch
    • Very secure closure (if one stitch fails the others can hold the wound togethre)
    • Bacteria are less likely to move along the suture line
    • Can remove individual stitches in the event of wound infection
  • Disadvantages of interrupted stitch
    • Time consuming
    • More foreign body in the wound
    • Uses more suture

Staples: staples offer rapid closure with less precise tissue approximation. Placing sutures in the dermis can help improve approximation

Skin glue and adhesives: skin glue is ideal in areas of low wound tension (face and neck). It has equivalent results and complication rates as traditional sutures and is more comfortable for patients.

Tape: tape is easy to apply and comfortable. It leaves no skin marks. However, it can easily be displaced with moisture/drainage and can create inverted edges.


The wound should be monitored for signs of infection and sutures/staples left in place until the healing process has created enough strength.

Recommendations for removing sutures

Location of closureNumber of days for removal
Extremity (low-tension closure)6-10
Extremity (high-tension closure)10-14
Chest and back6-12

Management of chronic wounds

The goal of managing chronic wound is to identify and address the conditions that impair wound healing. By correcting these condition, the wound behaves like an acute wound and can be managed as such through closure, skin graft, or flap.

In addition to correcting these condition, supportive management (proper wound care and dressing) aims to create a wound bed that is sufficient for epithelialization or support a skin graft. This can be done by:

  1. Reducing infection or colonization
  2. Maintaining appropriate moisture levels
  3. Improving oxygen tension in the tissue
  4. Promoting angiogenesis


Category of DressingCharacteristicUseExample
Non-adherent dressingFine mesh gauze with coating (to prevent adherence)To protect wounds and underlying tissue, maintain moistureVaseline gauze, Xeroform, Mepitel, Telfa, Tulle gras
Absorptive dressing
GauzeWide mesh gauzeTo remove exudate, prevent maceration, and debride (wet-to-dry application)Wide mesh gauze
FoamsHydrophobic foam sheetTo protect wounds and absorb exudateAllevyn, Curfoam
Occlusive dressing
Non-biologicMade of polyurethane, cellulose, among othersTo insulate, retain moisture, protect the wound and decrease bacterial contaminationTegaderm, Opsite, Duoderm, Melgisorb
BiologicMade from cadaver skin, pig skin, and human amniotic sacTo insulate, retain moisture, protect the wound and decrease bacterial contaminationCadaveric skin, Bovine xenograft, Integra, Alloderm
Creams, Ointments, and Solutions
Antibacterial solutionA variety existUse on infected woundsAcetic acid (gram negatives, Pseudomonas), Dakin’s solution (broad spectrum), Iodine-containing solution (broad spectrum, antifungal), Silve-containig solution (broad spectrum, antifungal)
Antibacterial ointmentsA variety existUse on infected wounds, provides occlusion and soothes the woundBacitracin (gram positive), Neomycin (gram negative), polymyxin B (gram negative), Neomycin, Triple antibiotic ointment (bacitracin, neomycin, polymyxin B)
EnzymaticA variety existTo remove necrotic tissueCollagenase, papain

Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO)

HBO therapy involves inhaling 100% O2 at 1.9-2.5 atm of pressure allowing tissue oxygen tension to be ten times normal. It can be given in an enclosed chamber or through a face mask. The oxygen is used in metabolism, induces the synthesis of nitric oxide synthase, and promotes angiogenesis.

HBO is useful in diabetic ischemic ulcers (reduces the amputation rates)

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (Wound VAC)

Wound VAC applies negative pressure to the wound to remove chronic edema, increase local blood flow and stimulate the proliferation of granulation tissue. It may be used on acute or chronic wounds.

Unna Boot

An unna boot is made by wrapping the leg in gauze impregnated with zinc, glycerin, calamine, or a mixture. It is used to treat venous leg ulcers and lymphedema-related ulcers. The hardened gauze restricts the outward movement of the calf mucles and promotes edema resorption and venous return.

Complications of wounds

  • Early complications of wounds
    • Local infection
    • Sepsis
    • Shock
  • Intermediate complications of wounds
    • Hematoma
    • Seroma
    • Local infection
  • Late complications of wounds
    • Hypertrophic scar
    • Keloid
    • Contracture
    • Marjolin ulcer
    • Psychological problems

Wound dehiscence

Wound dehiscence is separation of wound along incision line. Fascial dehiscence is the separation of a fascial closure following abdominal surgery. ****Risk can be reduced by good surgical technique and avoidance of heavy lifting for 4-6 weeks after laparotomy.

Can lead to evisceration. Diagnosis is clinical.

Fascial dehiscence

Fascial dehiscenceDescription
Partial fascial dehiscencePartial failure of sutures e.g. deep sutures have failed but superficial sutures are still intact (or vice versa)
Complete fascial dehiscenceAll suture layers have failed
  • Risk factors for fascial dehiscenceMost are factors that impair normal wound healing
    • Surgical site infection
    • Increased intra-abdominal pressure
      • Distension
      • Valsava
      • Chronic cough
    • Malnutrition
    • Diabetes
    • Malignancy
    • HIV/AIDS
    • Trauma to the incision site
    • Emergency surgery
    • Anaemia
    • Advanced age
  • Signs and symptoms
    • Seeping of serosanguineous (”salmon-colored”) fluid
    • “Popping” or “Tearing” sensation
    • Buldge during valsava
    • Evisceration in case of complete dehiscence.
    • Bleeding
    • Pain
    • Inflammation
    • Rarely fever
  • Prophylaxis
    • Retention sutures at the time of initial abdominal closure
      • Malnourished or hypoalbuminemic
      • Immunocompromised
      • Massive contaminaiton
      • Previous fascial defect or for patients expected to have increased tension on the wound
  • Treatment
    • Place temporary support (sterile tape, mesh)
    • Restrict movement until resuturing can be done (under sterile conditions, with debridement and re-approximation of edges)
  • Complications of wound dehiscence
    • Wound evisceration
    • Incisional hernia
    • Sepsis

Wound evisceration

Wound evisceration is separation of wound along incision line along with expulsion of internal organs. A complication of wound dehiscence. Diagnosis is clinical. This is a surgical emergency.

  • Cause of wound evisceration
    • Undiagnosed, unaddressed or poorly addressed wound dehiscence
  • Signs and symptoms
    • Internal organs are visible…
  • Treatment
    • Place moist sterile dressing over the evisceration.
    • Restrict movement.
    • Emergent repair
      • Do not attempt to manipulate expulsion until the patient is in theatre