
Antihypertensives Antihypertensives consist of vasodilators and diuretics Antihypertensives, their major side effects, and their indications ClassSide effectsIndicationsACEiHyperkalemia, Cough, AngioedemaJNC-8, Old male, African male, CKDARBHyperkalemiaJNC-8, ACEi intoleranceAldosterone antagonistHyperkalemia, GynecomastiaCHFBeta BlockerBradycardiaCAD, CHFCCBPeripheral edemaJNC-8, AnginaThiazideHypokalemiaJNC-8, Stop if low GFRLoopHypokalemiaRenal failure, CHF II-IVArteriolar DilatorsReflex TachycardiaCHFVenodilatorSildenafil = unsafe hypotensionCHFClonidineRebound HypertensionNEVER USE Diuretics All increase urinary flow and are contraindicated in…...

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Jeffrey Kalei
Jeffrey Kalei
Articles: 293